West Albury Preschool is a place where children, families, educators and the community come together to engage in secure, respectful and reciprocal relationships. We value the child as strong, capable and resilient; rich with wonder and knowledge.
We promote children having agency, being able to make choices and decisions to influence events and to direct their own learning.
The program and the interactions with children promote inclusion, teamwork, compassion, empathy, self-regulation and self-empowerment.
We acknowledge that families are the most influential educators in their children’s lives and value their involvement and participation.
We respect the diversity of Families and Communities, and the aspirations they hold for children. We honour the histories, cultures, languages, traditions, child-rearing practices and lifestyle choices of families.
We provide an active learning environment that children are encouraged to explore and interact with. Our environments offer a vast array of possibilities and encourage children to learn as they discover, create, improvise and imagine.

Educators are responsive to children’s ideas and play and this, in turn, informs the richness of the programs. Educators become co-learners with children, families and the community.
We encourage educators, staff, children and families to engage in processes of reflection and change, as we aim for continuous improvement. We appreciate the individuality and diversity that they bring to these changes.